Step 1
What sort of survey do I need?
This obviously depends on what your plans are. Is it
...or just the desire to create a lowland meadow out of improved pasture, create a series of wildlife friendly ponds or even to find out what's making those holes in your fence...?
The initial survey for most but particularly for development purposes, the Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA) will be made to ascertain the likelihood of protected and priority species and habitats within and adjacent to your site boundary.
A search of the local Biodiversity Records Office will be made should you approve and, a desktop search of online databases will also be conducted to see if there are records of any existing protected species, habitats or designated sites within a set radius of your site boundary to fully comply with the current local and/or national planning framework.
Step 2
Phase 2 Surveys
If the Desktop and PEA surveys have identified the potential for protected or priority species then we can conduct further surveys to help to identify presence and potential population sizes or, likely absence of species.
These surveys may be restricted to set times when current guidelines and legislation allow for survey of different species. This is due to some animals having quite defined periods of activity and to prevent disturbance of species that may be hibernating or, are particularly sensitive to disturbance during breeding periods.
Please see the calendar below for general guidelines on optimum survey periods so that we can help you to plan your ecological surveys in plenty of time to avoid potential delays.
For most projects, mitigation or compensation plans and protected species licensing will be planned at this stage. Planning consent will usually be applied for at this point as any protected species licensing will require detailed planning consent to be in place prior to the grant of licences.
Step 3
Larger Development
Mitigation, EcIA and Management
Larger scale developments may require an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) as part of an overall Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This report details all of the previous stages and makes an assessment of any possible, likely or definite impacts on biodiversity during and after the development process.
Mitigation and compensation plans, protected species licensing and restoration and future site management plans will be made at this stage.
Once planning consent has been made, works will continue (according to any planning conditions) to comply with all current legislation whilst helping you to plan works using a phased approach.