Protected species surveys and
Ecological management
Ecological Consultant, Leominster, Herefordshire newts, bats, birds, dormice, otters, badgers, crayfish, habitats and more.
07887 973302
2 Rivers Ecology
Ecology surveys and reports for all requirements
based in Leominster Herefordshire
A Herefordshire Ecological Consultancy Service
Providing habitat, flora and fauna surveys for all planning requirements.
Licensed surveys can be conducted for protected species such as bats, great crested newts, barn owls, dormice and white-clawed crayfish as well as birds,
reptiles, badgers, otters, water voles and much more.
We can advise on all of your ecological requirements including
Hedgerow Regulations Assessments, native planting schemes and habitat management advice.
Experienced, Qualified and Licensed
20 years of experience in surveying, reporting and advising on ecological issues for domestic, agricultural and major developments including housing, infrastructure and mineral extraction.
A full, Chartered member of the Royal Society of Biology
Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA)
Mitigation, Restoration Design and Management Plans
2 Rivers Ecology
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Contact Info
07887 973302